Hospice Care
in Chenango County
Home Care Services
Helping improve the quality of life for our patients and their families through monitoring and supporting our patients in every way.

Why Hospice?
Caring for you and your loved ones

Quality of Life
We focus on symptom, pain, and stress management.

Care Anywhere
Facility or home care services available to meet their needs.

The hospice team is made up of interdisciplinary end-of-life experts.

Physical Care
Care beyond the physical with emotional and spiritual support.
The Four Types of Hospice Care
We Are Here For You
Hospice Home Care
End-of-life care, aimed at increasing their comfort and quality of life as much as possible in their home.
Continuous Hospice Care
Continuous hospice care may be necessary when a patient experiences a medical crisis or when their symptoms require more intensive management.
Inpatient Hospice Care
Necessary if a patient's symptoms can no longer be managed at home and require severe pain management and stabilization of symptoms.
Respite Care
These occasional, short-term stays can provide a much-needed break for loved ones providing care at home while allowing patients to receive appropriate, round-the-clock symptom management.
Our Mission
Comforting Patients, Empowering Families, Supporting Our Community.
How It Works
Your Comfort is Our Priority
Step 1
Hospice is unique in we can take referrals from any source. Simply call our office, whether you are a patient, a family caregiver, or a medical provider, and one of our hospice admission team members will assist you in beginning the referral process.

Step 2
Determining Type of Care
Once the referral and supporting medical records are received by our clinical team, they are reviewed to determine which program will work best for the patient.
Patients and families can expect a call from our team to review individualized services, and schedule the admission.
Step 3
Once the patient and family agree that hospice is the right choice, then the admission can begin. The admission consists of signing hospice consents and a physical assessment with the hospice team to help determine a unique plan of care tailored to each individual patient and family.

What Our Patient Families Have to Say
Common Questions
Ask a Question
If you live in Chenango County, New York State, please schedule an information call here or give us a call at (607) 334-3556. Hospice & Palliative Care of Chenango County is the only Medicare-certified hospice care provider in Chenango County.
If you live outside Chenango County, please visit and enter the address of the person in need of care at https://www.medicare.gov/care-compare/?providerType=Hospice&redirect=true.
Hospice may be right for you if you are living with a serious illness, and are no longer seeking aggressive or curative treatment. Hospice helps keep people out of the Emergency Room and hospital by providing an unmatched level of support to both the patient and family. While most patients are provided services in their homes, hospice does not have to be home bound. Choosing to access Hospice services does not imply giving up, it means you are looking to switch your goals towards quality of life and redefining what hope means to you.
Hospice is made up of a specialized team of highly trained professionals that provide comfort and support to patients and their families. This team consists of a Medical Director, a Nurse Practitioner, Registered Nurses, a Licensed Social Worker, Licensed Practical Nurses, a Spiritual Care Coordinator, a Bereavement Coordinator, Volunteers as well as Administrative Staff, and other therapies, when necessary. The most important part of the care team is the patient and their family unit, both are fully included in the decision-making process that forms their unique “plan of care.”
Hospice Services are covered by Medicare Part A, Medicaid, and most private insurance companies. Hospice covers the medication, therapies, and durable medical equipment related to the patient’s terminal illness. A patient will never be denied services based on the inability to pay. If uninsured, our team will help your family determine coverage.
Simply ask! Hospice & Palliative Care of Chenango County accepts referrals from all sources, including families and patients themselves. Call us today with any questions you have regarding our services at 607-334-3556.